Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Essay Example for Free
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Essay Tom Sawyer is about a mischievous, curly haired boy who has many exciting adventures. Tom has to scheme his way out of trouble with his strict Aunt Polly and annoying cousin Sid watching him. Tom lives with his Aunt Polly because his poor mother had passed away quite a while ago. Tom gets into much trouble, at school, and at home. One of Toms biggest adventure takes place in McGuffeys Cave. Tom and a few other children, including the judges daughter Becky Thatcher, go near McGuffeys Cave for a picnic. At the picnic, the children decide to explore the cave. Becky and Tom stray away from the rest of the children, deeper into the cave. Soon, the ferry comes to get the children. All the children get on the ferry, except for Becky and Tom. Toms really in for trouble now! Becky and Tom stray farther and farther into the cave, not yet aware that the ferry has come and gone. The two children only have a candle for light. Tom and Becky soon are quite aware that the other children are gone. Becky tires out and says she cannot go any farther, so Tom goes by himself to look for an opening in the cave. When Tom is searching, he sees the murderer, Injun Joe, inside the cave! The town celebrates, and Beckyââ¬â¢s father, Judge Thatcher, locks up the cave. Injun Joe, trapped inside, starves to death. The major conflict in the story is that when Tom and Huck perceive their biggest struggle to be between themselves and Injun Joe, whose gold they want and whom they believe is out to kill them. Conflict also exists between Tom and his imaginative world and the expectations and rules of adult society. While the climax of the story is when à · Huck overhears Injun Joeââ¬â¢s plan to kill the Widow Douglas, and Tom encounters Injun Joe when he and Becky are stranded in the cave. Setting The setting of the story takes place in the fictional town of St. Petersburg, Missouri (which resembles Twainââ¬â¢s hometown of Hannibal). While the time is not specified, but probably around 1845. Characters Tom Sawyer is the protagonist in the story. Tom is a mischievous boy with an active imagination who spends most of the novel getting himself, and often his friends, into and out of trouble. Despite his mischief, Tom has a good heart and a strong moral conscience. As the novel progresses, he begins to take more seriously the responsibilities of his role as a leader among his schoolfellows. Huckleberry Finn is the son of the town drunk. Huck is a juvenile outcast who is shunned by respectable society and adored by the local boys, who envy his freedom. Like Tom, Huck is highly superstitious, and both boys are always ready for an adventure. Huck gradually replaces Tomââ¬â¢s friend Joe Harper as Tomââ¬â¢s sidekick in his escapades. Becky Thatcher is the Judge Thatcherââ¬â¢s pretty, yellow-haired daughter. From almost the minute she moves to town, Becky is the ââ¬Å"Adored Unknownâ⬠who stirs Tomââ¬â¢s lively romantic sensibility. Naive at first, Becky soon matches Tom as a romantic strategist, and the two go to great lengths to make each other jealous.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Angina: Diagnosis and Treatment Options :: Health Medicine
Angina: Diagnosis and Treatment Options Angina refers to the pain arising from lack of adequate blood supply to the heart muscle. Typically, it is a crushing pain behind the breastbone in the center of the chest, brought on by exertion and relieved by rest. It may at times radiate to or arise in the left arm, neck, jaw, left chest, or back. It is frequently accompanied by sweating, palpitations of the heart, and generally lasts a matter of minutes. Similar pain syndromes may be caused by other diseases, including esophagitis, gall bladder disease, ulcers, and others. Diagnosis of angina begins with the recognition of the consistent symptoms. Often an exercise test with radioactive thallium is performed if the diagnosis is in question, and sometimes even a cardiac catheterization is done if the outcome is felt necessary to make management decisions. This is a complex area which requires careful judgment by physician and patient. Angina is a manifestation of coronary artery disease, the same disease leading to heart attacks. Coronary artery diseas refers to those syndromes caused by blockage to the flow of blood in those arteries supplying the heart muscle itself, i.e., the coronary arteries. Like any other organ, the heart requires a steady flow of oxygen and nutrients to provide energy for rmovement, and to maintain the delicate balance of chemicals which allow for the careful electrical rhythm control of the heart beat. Unlike some other organs, the heart can survive only a matter of minutes without these nutrients, and the rest of the body can survive only minutes without the heart--thus the critical nature of these syndromes. Causes of blockage range from congenital tissue strands within or over the arteries to spasms of the muscular coat of the arteries themselves. By far the most common cause, however, is the deposition of plaques of cholesterol, platelets and other substances within the arterial walls. Sometimes the buildup is very gradual, but in other cases the buildup is suddenly increased as a chunk of matter breaks off and suddenly blocks the already narrowed opening. Certain factors seem to favor the buildup of these plaques. A strong family history of heart attacks is a definite risk factor, reflecting some metabolic derangement in either cholesterol handling or some other factor. Being male, for reasons probably related to the protective effects of some female hormones, is also a relative risk. Cigarette smoking and high blood pressure are definite risks, both reversible in most cases.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Is India Safe for India Women? Essay
Woman is the builder and moulder of a nationââ¬â¢s destiny. Though delicate and soft as a lily, she has a heart, far stronger and bolder than of man.She is the supreme inspiration for manââ¬â¢s onward march, an embodiment of love, pity and compassion, she is no doubt, her commanding personality; nevertheless, is given by solemn.Our women have a very great part to play in the progress of our country, as the mental and physical contact of women with life is much more lasting and comprehensive than that of men. Not for nothing was it said that ââ¬Ëthe hand that rocks the cradle rules the worldââ¬â¢. In the apron strings of woman is hidden the revolutionary energy which can establish paradise on this earth.Women have generally been looked down upon with disdainful contempt. All sorts of strictures have been inflicted upon them, reducing their status to a mere play thing or a slave of manââ¬â¢s whims, a mere chattel to be dumb driven. They have been confined to the hearth a nd home. The orthodox male-oriented society in India has still not been able to adjust itself to the fresh wave of womenââ¬â¢s liberation .But ours is still a male-dominated society. Women still continue to be exploited. There are still places where women are beaten, raped, and murdered without so much as a second thought practices.India is one of these places. A place that is both progressive on paper and in some urban areas but are also far behind in practice and in rural communities. What progress has already been made to protect women in India and what still needs to be done to ensure the equal treatment of women in all areas of India? Violence against women and girls represents a global health, economic development, and human rights problem. At least one out of every three women worldwide has been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime, with rates of domestic violence reaching 70% in some countries. This abuse of women and their rights is something more developed countries are taking very seriously. Over 7,000 women in India will be murdered by their family or their husbandââ¬â¢s family because of arguments about dowries. Violence against women is rooted in a global culture of discrimination which denies women equal rights with men and which legitimizes the appropriation of womenââ¬â¢s bodies for individual gratification or political ends. Every year, violence in the home and the community devastates the lives of millions of women. The study of why and how women are treated they way they have been is a fairly recent study.In practice they are being denied their rights and privileges. In practical life they are neither given equal rights, or status nor opportunities.5ons are given preference and better treatment while daughters are considered as curse and liabilities. Their marriage is still a big problem and parents have to arrange for large dowries to get their daughters married. In some parts of the country the girl-infants are still killed. Women are still raped, molested, ill-treated humiliated, forced to adopt prostitution and burnt alive by their greedy in-laws. Even the educated and employed women have to depend on their husbands or in-laws for money etc. Employed women are the worst sufferers as they have to work hard both at home and in the office. Moreover, they donââ¬â¢t have control on their purses and earnings. a woman as a daughter, wife, mother, widow etc., has to live in eternal economic slavery. She is still actually not free to choose and make her destiny. They should rise in a body and wage a relentless struggle against injustice in its various forms. They should never think in terms of weaker and fair sex. The weak and helpless are destined to be ever exploited and discriminated against, they will have to raise, struggle and sweat for their rights, freedom, empowerment and economic independence. There is no room either for complexes or complacency. They should refuse to be treated as sex objects, a thing of domestic utility, as anatomically inferior or a movable biological asset of man in marriage. They should refuse to be used as sex- symbols and models to attract business. Let there be no beauty contests where they are used as instruments to attract attention sensually.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Antigone Revealed - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1300 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/06/13 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Antigone Essay Did you like this example? The penalty- stoning to death in the public square (Sophocles 24-25). This is the edict (almost like a law) declared by Kreon. This edict basically states that anyone who dares to bury Polyneices would be declared a traitor to the city of Thebes. Antigone, the main character, ends up breaking this rule to give her brother a proper burial and becomes portrayed as a hero. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Antigone Revealed" essay for you Create order Greek tragedies are infamous for displaying common emotions that not many are used to sharing, which are shared throughout the stories characters. This tactic helps shape the theme and moral of the story while also portraying something that the audience can latch onto. The characters Antigone, Ismene, Kreon, Haemon, and Eurydice fight for social order and the morality that is evident in the play while unfolding the true intentions which relate back to present day situations. All in all, Kreon was the most culpable person for the death of Antigone due to his object of ambition for social order, while Antigoners main objective was for her moral purpose. Hence, the relation to Antigone being a positive figure for the French revolution in an up rise. As any reader progresses through this play, itrs obvious that this is a work of tragedy that toys with ones heart. According to Aristotle, The tragic hero is a character of noble stature and has greatness, he/she is not perfect, the herors downfall and it is partially his/her own fault, and the herors misfortune is not wholly deserved. Antigone is portrayed as a tragic hero because even as a upper class citizen she still to the chance with her life all for her brother. She is neither good or good, her story can be interpreted from two perspectives. Some sympathize with suffering and the fact that she was unjustly treated because of her gender. Others think she should have just listened to her sister and left it up to the Gods. Antigone being good or bad is left for the audience to decide. Pride ends up being her downfall, since that is her ambition to take on anything. Furthermore, she also promises Polynices that she will give him a proper burial before he is killed, but I will bury him; and if I must die, I say that this crime is holy (55-56), but Kreon will punish anyone who buries him by the penalty of death. In ancient Greece, leaving bodies unburied would angers the Gods. When Antigone goes to bury her brother despite the law in place, it shows that she is self-sacrificing. She knows her life is soon to come to an end for this burial. This shows her loyalty to her family and the gods. In correlation to Antigoners sister Ismene, they are polar oppisites. When Antigone shared the news about the decreed with her, her first response was, No, I have heard nothing (344). Ismene reveals how acquiescent she is in relation to Kreonrs decree. Thus, she is portrayed as feminine, one who doesnt care about political affairs. Doubting the her sisters plan to go against the edict, Ismene argues: We who are women should not contend with men; we who are weak are ruled by the stronger, so that we must obey. (346) She is being a realist; knowing the plan is almost impossible and will result in punishment, she thinks the situation is hopeless. Her character correlated to the emotion of sympathy and seemed more so scared. Haemon is Antigoners fiance and son of King Kreon, he is also Antigoners first cousin. The moral basis of Antigoners actions are defended by Haemon while still warning his father that the citizens Thebes will commiserate with Antigoners single-mindedness to give a proper burial to Polyneices. Haemon and Kreon angrily go separate ways, as he continuously asks his father to do the right thing for their city. Although, his father is aloof, he is resistant to any change. Haemons adherence to Antigone is wholesome; when she passes, he becomes so fraught that he attempts to kill his father and commit suicide. They contrast in their commitments and priorities. Haemon prioritizes peoples feelings, therefore considering love and peace important. Furthermore, Eurydice; Kreons wife and Haemons mother is distraught by her sons suicide. She then commits suicide herself, while cursing Kreon for causing the death of their son. Eurydice adds to the stories tragedy aspect. She is considered the last punishment for the king. Lastly, among the characters there lies King Kreon. Kreon is the monarch of Thebes. While his city is in conflict, he prioritizes order and loyalty above everything else. He doesnt tolerate being repudiated, or seeing the laws of the state be repudiated. He let Polyneices body be marred while Eteocles is honored in his death because he feels that one brother cannot have more respect than the other when one was a traitor and the other was loyal to him and his state. He does not take the time or effort to recognize that there are other configurations of justice. Instead of setting his pride aside , he chastised Antigone, disregards the gods, and ultimately ruins his rule and his name . King Kreon was the main cause of Antigone, Haemon, and Eurydicers deaths. Kreon was the one who declared the edict that wouldnt allow a proper death for Antigoners brother. Even after his own son, Haemon, told him that majority of the city of Thebes is supporting Antigoners cause, Kreon still chose to punish Antigone. Punishing her set all of their deaths in motion. Antigone killed herself in her cell. Haemon then followed and Eurydice, killed herself after learning that her son committed suicide. Eurydice even proclaimed that both of their deaths would be on Kreon. Moreover, in Antigone social order very much exists. Kreon was a person with a certain magnitude of power, which he used to his advantage while fight for social order. However, Antigoners intention was to fight for the moral purpose of her brother having a proper burial. Antigone was a representation of an uprising during the French revolution because many people were scared to fight back even though they had the reason to. The fight for social order related back to the laws established and enforced, while morality was something acquired and chosen to embrace. One of the main themes captured in Antigone, is the stance Antigone finds/ places herself in. She has to choose between the law of her state or the law by the gods (which say her brother should be properly buried). The modern day comparison to events in the play and events in real life is uncanny. Should people who are living in countries with resisting forces, where laws are higher than any moral value, obey their laws or heart. For example; all German citizens under the Third Reich? Should they have been on the side of the Nazis even though they were going against their moral values and liv e a life with regret? Or should they have helped the Jews and risked ending their life and their families along with theirs. Do people who are against a war, pay the federal taxes that go towards helping that war or do they risk being deported? There are many more situations that correlate to these ideas. The significance found in my observations and recordings led me to believe that Greek tragedies are a unique way of expressing present day emotions and situations in a dramatic and entertaining way, which also sympathizes with the audience and helps them correlate to their own emotions. Antigone specifically is a multiplex play, one that disregards basic understanding and interpretation. It is an interpretation of humans representing complex emotions through their actions. Every single character represents an idea, a principle of morals, and the play concludes as a discussion continued by the audience.
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